Essential oils like tea tree oil can deliver a wealth of benefits for your natural hair and scalp. It is no wonder that tea tree oil continues to be a staple ingredient in high-quality shampoo products like Vital Shampoo.
Melaleuca alternifolia, or the tea tree, has its roots in Australia among the Aboriginal natives of the land. During World War II, this oil healing and restorative properties made it a vital asset for treating wounds and preventing infections. Today, tea trees grow in the great state of California and are still proving crucial for their essential assets.
Let's examine a few significant benefits of using tea tree oil in shampoo and hair products that contain this fabulous essential oil on your hair and scalp.
Healthy Scalp and Hair Growth
Healthy natural hair begins with a healthy scalp. An unhealthy scalp can disrupt the hair growth cycle, triggering a disastrous cascade of catastrophe for our crown and glory. Hair fall, thinning, patchy hair loss, and balding are common side effects of bacterial or fungal scalp infections. When such an event occurs, your scalp requires a dependable solution that will nourish your scalp and increase the supply of vital nutrients and oxygen to the scalp.
Tea tree oil is an excellent, natural cleanser and anti-fungal agent that can aid in cleansing the scalp and keeping those pesky microbes at bay. Its antiseptic properties contribute to its unique ability to soothe the scalp. These properties allow it to clear blocked pores and stimulate follicles for hair growth. Also, tea tree oil alleviates dryness and infuses moisture. Scalp moisture is an absolute must-have for adequate blood circulation, which promotes hair growth.
Tea Tree Oil for Dandruff
Visible dandruff on your shoulders or surfaces can generate a variety of emotions, including feelings of frustration and embarrassment. If you struggle to keep dandruff under control, tea tree oil is a potent essential oil for managing those nasty white flakes. You know the symptoms well --the dry, itchy, red scalp, and dead skin cells that have no loyalty to not scatter with one wrong turn or tussle of your locks.
According to a study that examined the effectiveness of tea tree oil in shampoos, using just five percent tea tree oil in shampoo is proven to be more effective in treating dandruff than your standard shampoo formula. This advantage is due in part to its ability to hydrate our hair and scalp.
Helps to Treat Inflammation
Have you ever scratched your scalp so vigorously that your efforts to calm an incurable itch generated a wound or sore? Ever wear braids or twists so tightly that your scalp swelled? How about scalp irritation that was the result of an adverse reaction to another product?
Tea tree oil is rich with therapeutic qualities that allow it to not only cleanse the scalp and reduce the rate of bacterial growth, but it also aids in relieving scalp inflammation, and irritation.
Supports Removal of Hair Product Build-Up
Tea tree oil is fantastic for removing product build-up on your hair and scalp. It is also useful for removing excess product build-up that may occur from using multiple hair care products, including conditioners and shampoos that can leave a residue on your hair. Excessive hair product build-up can weigh your hair down, stealing its natural shine, and making it impossible to achieve your best curl pattern or sustain hairstyles.
If you suffer from product build-up on your tresses, tea tree oil can help to remove hair product build-up without stripping your hair and robbing it of moisture. Regular use of products that contain tea tree oil can prevent the build-up of unwanted oils, compounds, and dead skin while supporting your tresses' efforts to retain moisture.